What is covered by the Pet Therapies benefit?

We provide cover for Pet Therapies in addition to our cover for Vet Bills so that you can receive help covering the cost of hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy or acupuncture if your vet recommends these to you.

Our Essential plan provides 12 months treatment up to £500 per illness/injury for Pet Therapies.

Our Covered For Life® plan provides £2,000 for dogs and cats, or £750 for rabbits, every year for Pet Therapies.

Within these benefits you can claim up to £500 for hydrotherapy per illness/injury (£750 for all illnesses/ injuries for rabbits). On our Covered For Life® plan this cover refreshes each time you renew allowing to you to continue to claim for the same condition year after year providing you renew with no break in cover.

You can also claim for physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic manipulation and behavioural treatment under the Vet Bills benefit.